Jianan Lu

mail_outline jiananl@princeton.edu

I am a sixth-year Ph.D. student studying Computer Science in Princeton SNS Group. I work with Prof. Michael J. Freedman and Prof. Asaf Cidon (Columbia University). My research interets are in distributed storage systems and databases. I aim to build storage systems that are both highly performant and cost effective, adapting to the evolving landscape of newer applications and hardware technologies.

Before joining Princeton, I spent five wonderful years at UC Berkeley, where I received my B.A. and M.S. in Computer Science with a research focus on privacy and security. During my M.S., I was advised by Raluca Ada Popa. I also worked closely with Amit Datta from Snap Inc. and Michael Carl Tschantz from International Computer Science Institute (ICSI).


Fusion: An Analytics Object Store Optimized for Query Pushdown [To Appear]
Jianan Lu*, Ashwini Raina*, Asaf Cidon, Michael J. Freedman
*: Equal Contribution

Timecloth: Fast Point-in-time Database Recovery in the Cloud [Paper]
Jianjun Deng*, Jianan Lu*, Hua Fan, Changyang Liu, Shi Cheng, Cuiyun Fu, Wenchao Zhou
*: Equal Contribution
SIGMOD 2024, Industrial Track

Selection Pushdown in Column Stores Using Bit Manipulation Instructions [Paper]
Yinan Li, Jianan Lu, Badrish Chandramouli

Efficient Compactions Between Storage Tiers with PrismDB [Paper]
Ashwini Raina, Jianan Lu, Asaf Cidon, Michael J. Freedman

Practical Volume-based Attacks on Encrypted Databases [Paper]
Rishabh Poddar, Stephanie Wang, Jianan Lu, Raluca Ada Popa
EuroS&P 2020

Evaluating Anti-Fingerprinting Privacy Enhancing Technologies [Paper]
Amit Datta, Jianan Lu, Michael Carl Tschantz
WWW 2019